Upcoming Events
April 10 - 7pm
All Deacons meeting with
Pastor Bethel on altar worker training
and Min. Thomas Hardy on Plan
for Salvation
April 14 - 6pm
Derrrick McDuffy and Chosen
Generation Concert @ Maranatha
April 13-14
Women of COG Spring
Convention in Klamath Falls. See
Pat Peterson for form registration
due March 30
April 15 - 5pm
Church Business Meeting
All members urged to attend
Upcoming Conference
"Hold onto Your Memory: Aging and Memory in
the African American Community"
Portland Community College Cascade Campus
April 21, 2007
Presentations & workshops on heart disease/stroke, family
caregiving. diabetes, & Alzheimer's disease; free healthy
soul food lunch; free health screenings, & other activities
More information in foyer or call 503.381.0285
Urban League of Portland's
Career Connections Job Fair
April 3- 11am to 4 pm Double Tree Hotel, Exhibit hall
Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah
Theme- "Diversity and Opportunity"
This event provides an oppurtunity for jobseekers to connect
with the top employers in the state including
- Portland General Electric
- Providence Health System
- Tri-met
- Sysco Food Service of Portland
- Kaiser Permanente
Includes 50 particapating exhibitors representing such
industries as banking,education, government health care,
media, insurance, social services and utilities.
Need a Ride to Church?
If you need a ride to Sunday
School or Church, please contact
the church office (503.288.7241)
by Wednesday
Need Health Information??
Contact Robert Seay
503.335.0888 or 503.841.6444