Our Vision...
“Building divine unity in the community
fellowship, preaching and teaching”
...Unity is built by
God, and by God alone.
How do we get there?
Three guiding principles:
Preaching - The proclamation
of the Gospel of Truth
Teaching - A forum for
the equipping of the saints, giving instruction; questions asked and answers given. A place where spiritual growth is both
encouraged and is nurtured.
Fellowship- The outworking
of the gospel message in the lives of people, as they are equipped in ministry and service to the broader church and community.
What will it look like?
"A multi-cultural ministry equipping people
to minister in this present age and prepared to meet God"
Our Mission...
“Equipping believers to live out their
faith both verbally and practically.”
Maranatha Church
is committed to reaching our community and the world with the gospel. We are a congregation of ethnic diversity, who
come together to celebrate God’s presence through fellowship, prayer, teaching, preaching and contemporary worship.
Our ministry is dedicated to reaching the entire family.